llama-index@0.8.16 vulnerabilities

Interface between LLMs and your data

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the llama-index package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • C
Command Injection

llama-index is an Interface between LLMs and your data

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Command Injection due to the safe_eval function. An attacker can execute arbitrary code on the server hosting the application by crafting input that, while not containing an underscore, still results in the execution of OS commands.

How to fix Command Injection?

Upgrade llama-index to version 0.10.24 or higher.

  • H
SQL Injection

llama-index is an Interface between LLMs and your data

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to SQL Injection via the Text-to-SQL feature in NLSQLTableQueryEngine, SQLTableRetrieverQueryEngine, NLSQLRetriever, RetrieverQueryEngine and PGVectorSQLQueryEngine. An attacker can manipulate or corrupt database contents by injecting SQL commands into the English language input.

How to fix SQL Injection?

There is no fixed version for llama-index.

  • H
Arbitrary Code Execution

llama-index is an Interface between LLMs and your data

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Execution via the exec parameter in PandasQueryEngine function due to missing input sanitization.

How to fix Arbitrary Code Execution?

Upgrade llama-index to version 0.9.5 or higher.
