org.apache.hugegraph:hugegraph-api@1.2.0 vulnerabilities

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the org.apache.hugegraph:hugegraph-api package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • H
Authentication Bypass by Spoofing

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Authentication Bypass by Spoofing due to improper validation of user-supplied input in the authentication mechanism. An attacker can bypass authentication controls by spoofing a legitimate user's credentials. This vulnerability is particularly concerning because it allows unauthorized access to the system, potentially leading to further exploitation such as data theft, system manipulation, or the deployment of malicious software.


Enabling the "Whitelist-IP/port" function improves the security of RESTful-API execution.

How to fix Authentication Bypass by Spoofing?

Upgrade org.apache.hugegraph:hugegraph-api to version 1.3.0 or higher.

  • C
Command Injection

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Command Injection due to improper handling of user input in the gremlin interface. An attacker can execute arbitrary commands on the server by crafting malicious input.


  1. Additional to upgrading to the fix version, users are recommended to enable the Auth system to fix the issue;

  2. Enabling the "Whitelist-IP/port" function improves the security of RESTful-API execution.

How to fix Command Injection?

Upgrade org.apache.hugegraph:hugegraph-api to version 1.3.0 or higher.
