GHSA-phg3-gv66-q38x | |
Exposure of Data Element to Wrong Session | |
Improper Input Validation | |
GHSA-q4xq-445g-g6ch | |
GHSA-4g8c-wm8x-jfhw | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Authentication | |
GHSA-m3hp-8546-5qmr | |
Open Redirect | |
GHSA-5rxp-2rhr-qwqv | |
GHSA-cxrx-q234-m22m | |
HTTP Request Smuggling | |
GHSA-93ww-43rr-79v3 | |
GHSA-jgwc-jh89-rpgq | |
Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity | |
External Control of File Name or Path | |
GHSA-5545-r4hg-rj4m | |
GHSA-v7gv-xpgf-6395 | |
GHSA-wq8x-cg39-8mrr | |
Use of Hard-coded Credentials | |
HTTP Request Smuggling | |
CVE-2024-10039 | |
Session Fixation | |
Information Exposure | |
GHSA-j76j-rqwj-jmvv | |
GHSA-c25h-c27q-5qpv | |
Incorrect Default Permissions | |
GHSA-gmrm-8fx4-66x7 | |
GHSA-69fp-7c8p-crjr | |
CVE-2024-29857 | |
GHSA-8xfc-gm6g-vgpv | |
GHSA-4h8f-2wvx-gg5w | |
CVE-2024-30172 | |
CVE-2024-30171 | |
GHSA-v435-xc8x-wvr9 | |
CVE-2024-34447 | |
GHSA-2cww-fgmg-4jqc | |
Information Exposure | |
GHSA-m44j-cfrm-g8qc | |
Improper Authorization | |
GHSA-25w4-hfqg-4r52 | |
GHSA-f8h5-v2vg-46rr | |
Information Exposure Through Environmental Variables | |
Improper Authentication | |
Open Redirect | |
GHSA-mrv8-pqfj-7gp5 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Permissive Regular Expression | |
GHSA-4f53-xh3v-g8x4 | |
GHSA-m6q9-p373-g5q8 | |
GHSA-7fpj-9hr8-28vh | |
Improper Check for Dropped Privileges | |
GHSA-c9h6-v78w-52wj | |
GHSA-46c8-635v-68r2 | |
GHSA-72vp-xfrc-42xm | |
Directory Traversal | |
GHSA-8rmm-gm28-pj8q | |
CVE-2024-1249 | |
Improper Authentication | |
CVE-2024-29025 | |
GHSA-5jpm-x58v-624v | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
GHSA-jw7r-rxff-gv24 | |
SQL Injection | |
GHSA-xfg6-62px-cxc2 | |
GHSA-24rp-q3w6-vc56 | |
GHSA-9vm7-v8wj-3fqw | |