com.h2database:h2@2.1.212 vulnerabilities

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the com.h2database:h2 package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • M
Information Exposure

com.h2database:h2 is a database engine

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Information Exposure when H2 web-based admin console was started via the CLI with the argument -webAdminPassword, which allows a local user to specify the password in plaintext for the web admin console. Consequently, a malicious local user or an attacker that has obtained local access through some means would be able to get the password for the H2 web admin console by looking at the running processes.

Vendor Statement: "This is not a vulnerability of the H2 Console, this is an example of how not to use it. I think there is nothing to do with it on the H2 side. Passwords should never be passed on the command line, and every qualified DBA or system administrator is expected to know that."

How to fix Information Exposure?

Upgrade com.h2database:h2 to version 2.2.220 or higher.

  • H
Remote Code Execution (RCE)

com.h2database:h2 is a database engine

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE). It provides a web console for managing the database, and by default it does not have a password set. The CREATE ALIAS function calls Java code, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary Java code on projects running the h2 database.

NOTE: To be remotely exploitable, the affected application must be configured with the non-default setting webAllowOthers=true, either in a config file or as a parameter passed in when the servlet is invoked. The vulnerability can be avoided by setting a password on the database and/or restricting access to localhost using the above setting.

How to fix Remote Code Execution (RCE)?

There is no fixed version for com.h2database:h2.
