org.http4s:http4s-blaze-server_2.12@0.15.12a vulnerabilities

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the org.http4s:http4s-blaze-server_2.12 package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • H
Denial of Service (DoS)

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS). http4s provides a general MaxActiveRequests middleware mechanism for limiting open connections, but it is enforced inside the Blaze accept loop, after the connection is accepted and the socket opened. Thus, the limit only prevents the number of connections which can be simultaneously processed, not the number of connections which can be held open.

How to fix Denial of Service (DoS)?

Upgrade org.http4s:http4s-blaze-server_2.12 to version 0.21.17 or higher.
