@soketi/soketi@0.19.1 vulnerabilities

Just another simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server.

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the @soketi/soketi package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • H
Denial of Service (DoS)

@soketi/soketi is a Just another simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) via an unhandled case when reading POST requests which result in the server crashing if it could not read the body of a request. In the event that a POST request is sent to any endpoint of the server with an empty body, even unauthenticated with the Pusher Protocol, it will crash the server.

How to fix Denial of Service (DoS)?

Upgrade @soketi/soketi to version 0.24.1 or higher.
