json5@1.0.0-beta-2 vulnerabilities

JSON for Humans

  • latest version


  • latest non vulnerable version

  • first published

    12 years ago

  • latest version published

    1 years ago

  • licenses detected

  • Direct Vulnerabilities

    Known vulnerabilities in the json5 package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

    How to fix?

    Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities affecting your projects. Snyk scans for vulnerabilities and provides fixes for free.

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    VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
    • M
    Prototype Pollution

    Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the parse method , which does not restrict parsing of keys named __proto__, allowing specially crafted strings to pollute the prototype of the resulting object. This pollutes the prototype of the object returned by JSON5.parse and not the global Object prototype (which is the commonly understood definition of Prototype Pollution). Therefore, the actual impact will depend on how applications utilize the returned object and how they filter unwanted keys.

    How to fix Prototype Pollution?

    Upgrade json5 to version 1.0.2, 2.2.2 or higher.

    <1.0.2>=2.0.0 <2.2.2