mongodb@4.1.2 vulnerabilities

The official MongoDB driver for Node.js

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the mongodb package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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Vulnerability Vulnerable Version
  • M
Information Exposure

mongodb is an official MongoDB driver for Node.js.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Information Exposure via the command listener feature. When it is enabled (not the default setting), some drivers may inadvertently publish events containing sensitive authentication-related data. An attacker can gain access to this sensitive information by monitoring these published events.

How to fix Information Exposure?

Upgrade mongodb to version 3.6.10, 4.17.0, 5.8.0 or higher.

>=3.6.0 <3.6.10 >=4.0.0 <4.17.0 >=5.0.0 <5.8.0