react-adal@0.4.19 vulnerabilities

Azure Active Directory (ADAL) support for ReactJS

  • latest version


  • latest non vulnerable version

  • first published

    7 years ago

  • latest version published

    4 years ago

  • licenses detected

  • Direct Vulnerabilities

    Known vulnerabilities in the react-adal package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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    VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
    • H
    Improper Authentication

    react-adal is an Azure Active Directory Library (ADAL) support for ReactJS.

    Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Improper Authentication. It is possible for a specially crafted JWT token and request URL can cause the nonce, session and refresh values to be incorrectly validated, causing the application to treat an attacker-generated JWT token as authentic.

    The logical defect is caused by how the nonce, session and refresh values are stored in the browser local storage or session storage. Each key is automatically appended by ||.

    When the received nonce and session keys are generated, the list of values is stored in the browser storage, separated by ||, with || always appended to the end of the list. Since || will always be the last 2 characters of the stored values, an empty string ("") will always be in the list of the valid values. Therefore, if an empty session parameter is provided in the callback URL, and a specially-crafted JWT token contains an nonce value of "" (empty string), then adal.js will consider the JWT token as authentic.


    NOTE: The version number of adal.js in react-adal is marked as 1.0.18, but the file is still vulnerable to the auth bypass and it does not match v1.0.18 from azure-activedirectory-library-for-js.
    * src/adal.js:1106
    Vulnerable verification against adal.nonce.idtoken in AuthenticationContext.prototype._matchNonce()
    * src/adal.js:1125
    Vulnerable verification against adal.state.login in AuthenticationContext.prototype._matchState()
    * src/adal.js:1131-1138
    Vulnerable verification against adal.state.renew in AuthenticationContext.prototype._matchState()
    A minimal proof-of-concept request template is available in adal_bypass_request.txt (it will require some minor changes for your test environment), and a minimal JWT token body template is in adal_bypass_jwt.json (it also will require minor changes). Using a "none" algorithm for generating the JWT token was successful, and using the clientID that can be retrieved without authentiation from a login redirection to worked successfully in my tests.
    <h3>adal_request_bypass.txt ###</h3>
    <h3>adal_bypass_jwt.json ###</h3>
    {"aud":"","exp":,"email":"","name":"Malicious User","nonce":""}

    How to fix Improper Authentication?

    Upgrade react-adal to version 0.5.1 or higher.
