reg-keygen-git-hash-plugin@0.10.10 vulnerabilities
Detect the snapshot key to be compare with using Git hash.
latest version
latest non vulnerable version
first published
7 years ago
latest version published
7 months ago
licenses detected
- >=0
Direct Vulnerabilities
Known vulnerabilities in the reg-keygen-git-hash-plugin package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.
Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities affecting your projects. Snyk scans for vulnerabilities and provides fixes for free.Vulnerability | Vulnerable Version |
reg-keygen-git-hash-plugin is a Detect the snapshot key to be compare with using Git hash. Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE). This was caused because shell strings were not escaped. How to fix Remote Code Execution (RCE)? Upgrade |