set-in@2.0.1 vulnerabilities

set value of nested associative structure given array of keys

  • latest version


  • latest non vulnerable version

  • first published

    9 years ago

  • latest version published

    2 years ago

  • licenses detected

  • Direct Vulnerabilities

    Known vulnerabilities in the set-in package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

    How to fix?

    Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities affecting your projects. Snyk scans for vulnerabilities and provides fixes for free.

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    VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
    • H
    Prototype Pollution

    set-in is a set value of nested associative structure given array of keys

    Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the setIn method, as it allows an attacker to merge object prototypes into it.

    This vulnerability derives from an incomplete fix of CVE-2020-28273

    How to fix Prototype Pollution?

    Upgrade set-in to version 2.0.3 or higher.
