cleanlab@2.7.1 vulnerabilities

The standard package for data-centric AI, machine learning with label errors, and automatically finding and fixing dataset issues in Python.

  • latest version


  • latest non vulnerable version

  • first published

    6 years ago

  • latest version published

    28 days ago

  • licenses detected

  • Direct Vulnerabilities

    Known vulnerabilities in the cleanlab package. This does not include vulnerabilities belonging to this package’s dependencies.

    How to fix?

    Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities affecting your projects. Snyk scans for vulnerabilities and provides fixes for free.

    Fix for free
    VulnerabilityVulnerable Version
    • H
    Deserialization of Untrusted Data

    cleanlab is a The standard package for data-centric AI, machine learning with label errors, and automatically finding and fixing dataset issues in Python.

    Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data via the deserialization process in the datalab.pkl file. An attacker can execute arbitrary code on the user's system by crafting a malicious datalab.pkl file and loading it into the application.

    How to fix Deserialization of Untrusted Data?

    There is no fixed version for cleanlab.
