VPC security group rule permits ingress from '' to port 5800 (Virtual Network Computing) and is not attached to an ELB Affecting VPC service in AWS


    Severity Framework
    Snyk CCSS
    Rule category
    Network / Ports

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  • Snyk ID SNYK-CC-00211
  • credit Snyk Research Team


AWS recommends that no security group allows unrestricted ingress access to port 5800, unless it is from AWS Elastic Load Balancer. Removing unfettered connectivity to remote console services reduces a server's exposure to risk.

How to fix?

Set the security group's ingress.cidr_blocks attribute to a more restrictive CIDR block, or attach the security group to an aws_elb using the ELB's security_groups attribute.

Example Configuration

resource "aws_security_group" "ingress-5800-valid-elb-group" {
  name = "ingress-5800-valid-elb-group"
  description = "Ingress 5800 Test"

  ingress {
    from_port = 5800
    to_port = 5800
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

resource "aws_elb" "ingress-5800-elb" {
  name            = "ingress-5800-elb"
  security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.ingress-5800-valid-elb-group.id}"]
  subnets         = ["${aws_default_subnet.default.id}"]

  listener {
    instance_port     = 8000
    instance_protocol = "http"
    lb_port           = 80
    lb_protocol       = "http"

  cross_zone_load_balancing   = true
  idle_timeout                = 400
  connection_draining         = true
  connection_draining_timeout = 400