Cross-site Scripting (XSS) The advisory has been revoked - it doesn't affect any version of package golang-src Open this link in a new tab

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  • Snyk ID SNYK-RHEL7-GOLANGSRC-5887463
  • published 7 Sep 2023
  • disclosed 6 Sep 2023


The Red Hat security team deemed this advisory irrelevant for RHEL:7.

NVD Description

Note: Versions mentioned in the description apply only to the upstream golang-src package and not the golang-src package as distributed by RHEL.

The html/template package does not apply the proper rules for handling occurrences of "<script", "<!--", and "</script" within JS literals in <script> contexts. This may cause the template parser to improperly consider script contexts to be terminated early, causing actions to be improperly escaped. This could be leveraged to perform an XSS attack.