Reachable Assertion Affecting bind9 package, versions <1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3



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  • Snyk ID SNYK-DEBIAN12-BIND9-1542386
  • published 27 Jun 2018
  • disclosed 16 Jan 2019

How to fix?

Upgrade Debian:12 bind9 to version 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.3 or higher.

NVD Description

Note: Versions mentioned in the description apply only to the upstream bind9 package and not the bind9 package as distributed by Debian. See How to fix? for Debian:12 relevant fixed versions and status.

named contains a feature which allows operators to issue commands to a running server by communicating with the server process over a control channel, using a utility program such as rndc. A regression introduced in a recent feature change has created a situation under which some versions of named can be caused to exit with a REQUIRE assertion failure if they are sent a null command string. Affects BIND 9.9.9->9.9.9-P7, 9.9.10b1->9.9.10rc2, 9.10.4->9.10.4-P7, 9.10.5b1->9.10.5rc2, 9.11.0->9.11.0-P4, 9.11.1b1->9.11.1rc2, 9.9.9-S1->9.9.9-S9.