Arbitrary Code Injection Affecting curl package, versions <7.88.1-7



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    Threat Intelligence

    0.2% (58th percentile)

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  • Snyk ID SNYK-DEBIAN12-CURL-3366773
  • published 21 Mar 2023
  • disclosed 30 Mar 2023

How to fix?

Upgrade Debian:12 curl to version 7.88.1-7 or higher.

NVD Description

Note: Versions mentioned in the description apply only to the upstream curl package and not the curl package as distributed by Debian. See How to fix? for Debian:12 relevant fixed versions and status.

A vulnerability in input validation exists in curl <8.0 during communication using the TELNET protocol may allow an attacker to pass on maliciously crafted user name and "telnet options" during server negotiation. The lack of proper input scrubbing allows an attacker to send content or perform option negotiation without the application's intent. This vulnerability could be exploited if an application allows user input, thereby enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the system.

CVSS Scores

version 3.1
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8.8 high
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4.5 medium
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Red Hat

4.3 medium