Improper Certificate Validation Affecting curl package, versions <7.52.1-3



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  • Snyk ID SNYK-DEBIAN13-CURL-5674138
  • published 27 Jun 2018
  • disclosed 27 Jul 2018

How to fix?

Upgrade Debian:13 curl to version 7.52.1-3 or higher.

NVD Description

Note: Versions mentioned in the description apply only to the upstream curl package and not the curl package as distributed by Debian. See How to fix? for Debian:13 relevant fixed versions and status.

curl before 7.53.0 has an incorrect TLS Certificate Status Request extension feature that asks for a fresh proof of the server's certificate's validity in the code that checks for a test success or failure. It ends up always thinking there's valid proof, even when there is none or if the server doesn't support the TLS extension in question. This could lead to users not detecting when a server's certificate goes invalid or otherwise be mislead that the server is in a better shape than it is in reality. This flaw also exists in the command line tool (--cert-status).