Use After Free Affecting curl package, versions <7.62.0-1



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  • Snyk ID SNYK-DEBIAN13-CURL-5674215
  • published 2 Dec 2018
  • disclosed 31 Oct 2018

How to fix?

Upgrade Debian:13 curl to version 7.62.0-1 or higher.

NVD Description

Note: Versions mentioned in the description apply only to the upstream curl package and not the curl package as distributed by Debian. See How to fix? for Debian:13 relevant fixed versions and status.

A heap use-after-free flaw was found in curl versions from 7.59.0 through 7.61.1 in the code related to closing an easy handle. When closing and cleaning up an 'easy' handle in the Curl_close() function, the library code first frees a struct (without nulling the pointer) and might then subsequently erroneously write to a struct field within that already freed struct.