Access Restriction Bypass Affecting mlflow package, versions [,2.3.1)



    Attack Complexity Low
    Scope Changed
    Confidentiality High

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  • Snyk ID SNYK-PYTHON-MLFLOW-5490116
  • published 1 May 2023
  • disclosed 1 May 2023
  • credit Unknown

Introduced: 1 May 2023

CVE NOT AVAILABLE CWE-284 Open this link in a new tab

How to fix?

Upgrade mlflow to version 2.3.1 or higher.


mlflow is a platform to streamline machine learning development, including tracking experiments, packaging code into reproducible runs, and sharing and deploying models.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Access Restriction Bypass. Users of the MLflow Open Source Project who are hosting the MLflow Model Registry using the mlflow server or mlflow ui commands may be vulnerable to a remote file access exploit if they are not limiting who can query their server (for example, by using a cloud VPC, an IP allowlist for inbound requests, or authentication / authorization middleware).

This issue only affects users and integrations that run the mlflow server and mlflow ui commands. Integrations that do not make use of mlflow server or mlflow ui are unaffected; for example, the Databricks Managed MLflow product and MLflow on Azure Machine Learning do not make use of these commands and are not impacted by these vulnerabilities in any way. The vulnerability is very similar to CVE-2023-1177


If you are using the MLflow open source mlflow server or mlflow ui commands, we strongly recommend limiting who can access your MLflow Model Registry and MLflow Tracking servers using a cloud VPC, an IP allowlist for inbound requests, authentication / authorization middleware, or another access restriction mechanism of your choosing.

If you are using the MLflow open source mlflow server or mlflow ui commands, we also strongly recommend limiting the remote files to which your MLflow Model Registry and MLflow Tracking servers have access. For example, if your MLflow Model Registry or MLflow Tracking server uses cloud-hosted blob storage for MLflow artifacts, make sure to restrict the scope of your server's cloud credentials such that it can only access files and directories related to MLflow.
