NULL Pointer Dereference Affecting tensorflow package, versions [2.5.0,2.5.1) [2.4.0,2.4.3) [,2.3.4)



    Attack Complexity Low
    Integrity High
    Availability High

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    EPSS 0.04% (12th percentile)
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5.5 medium

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  • published 13 Aug 2021
  • disclosed 13 Aug 2021
  • credit Unknown

How to fix?

Upgrade tensorflow to version 2.5.1, 2.4.3, 2.3.4 or higher.


tensorflow is a machine learning framework.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to NULL Pointer Dereference. When a user does not supply arguments that determine a valid sparse tensor, tf.raw_ops.SparseTensorSliceDataset implementation can be made to dereference a null pointer. The implementation has some argument validation but fails to consider the case when either indices or values are provided for an empty sparse tensor when the other is not. If indices is empty, then code that performs validation (i.e., checking that the indices are monotonically increasing) results in a null pointer dereference. If indices as provided by the user is empty, then indices in the C++ code above is backed by an empty std::vector, hence calling indices->dim_size(0) results in null pointer dereferencing (same as calling std::vector::at() on an empty vector).
