Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2017-7775 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
DEPRECATED: Use of Uninitialized Resource | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Security Features | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Security Features | |
Information Exposure | |
Information Exposure | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Integer Overflow or Wraparound | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Privilege Management | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Access Control | |
Information Exposure | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Information Exposure | |
CVE-2017-5390 | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Information Exposure | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Information Exposure | |
Use After Free | |
Error Handling | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2016-1964 | |
CVE-2016-1960 | |
CVE-2016-1966 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2016-1961 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2016-1979 | |
Improper Data Handling | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Data Handling | |
CVE-2016-1962 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2016-1523 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Data Handling | |
Numeric Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Code | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Security Features | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Security Features | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2015-4488 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Code | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Code | |
Code | |
Code | |
Code | |
Cryptographic Issues | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cryptographic Issues | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2015-0797 | |
CVE-2015-2713 | |
CVE-2015-2708 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2015-0813 | |
CVE-2015-0815 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) | |
CVE-2015-0836 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Information Exposure | |
CVE-2015-0831 | |
CVE-2014-8639 | |
CVE-2014-8634 | |
Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2014-1592 | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Input Validation | |
CVE-2014-1586 | |
CVE-2014-1574 | |
CVE-2014-1577 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2014-1585 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2014-1581 | |
Cryptographic Issues | |
Access of Uninitialized Pointer | |
CVE-2014-1567 | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2014-1550 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2014-1547 | |
CVE-2014-1559 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2014-1558 | |
CVE-2014-1560 | |
CVE-2014-1555 | |
CVE-2014-1544 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2014-1540 | |
CVE-2014-1541 | |
CVE-2014-1536 | |
CVE-2014-1538 | |
CVE-2014-1533 | |
CVE-2014-1537 | |
CVE-2014-1545 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2014-1518 | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Improper Privilege Management | |
Buffer Overflow | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Information Exposure | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Buffer Overflow | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Privilege Management | |
Improper Privilege Management | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Race Condition | |
CVE-2014-1481 | |
CVE-2014-1477 | |
Origin Validation Error | |
Inadequate Encryption Strength | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Use After Free | |
CVE-2014-1479 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Cryptographic Issues | |
Use After Free | |
CVE-2013-5609 | |
CVE-2013-5615 | |
Information Exposure | |
Numeric Errors | |
CVE-2013-5601 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2013-5599 | |
CVE-2013-5597 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2013-5590 | |
CVE-2013-5600 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2013-1701 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2013-1682 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2013-0801 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2013-0788 | |
CVE-2013-0800 | |
CVE-2013-0796 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2013-0783 | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Improper Certificate Validation | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
CVE-2013-0773 | |
Integer Overflow or Wraparound | |
CVE-2013-0769 | |
Improper Authentication | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Use After Free | |
Information Exposure | |
Use After Free | |
CVE-2013-0746 | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
CVE-2012-5842 | |
Use After Free | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Integer Overflow or Wraparound | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Origin Validation Error | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Use After Free | |
CVE-2012-3982 | |
Improper Privilege Management | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-bounds Read | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Use After Free | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2012-3962 | |
Information Exposure | |
Numeric Errors | |
Use After Free | |
Out-of-bounds Write | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Use After Free | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Use After Free | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Use After Free | |
Use After Free | |
CVE-2012-1967 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Improper Input Validation | |
CVE-2012-1955 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2012-1964 | |
CVE-2012-1948 | |
CVE-2012-1950 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2012-1937 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Numeric Errors | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
CVE-2012-0479 | |
CVE-2012-0467 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Incorrect Calculation | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2012-0461 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Information Exposure | |
CVE-2012-0462 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Information Exposure | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2012-0442 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Numeric Errors | |
CVE-2011-2995 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Configuration | |
Information Exposure | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2011-2982 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2011-2374 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
CVE-2011-2365 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2011-2376 | |
CVE-2011-0069 | |
CVE-2011-0070 | |
CVE-2011-0074 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Directory Traversal | |
CVE-2011-0080 | |
CVE-2011-0075 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2011-0077 | |
CVE-2011-0078 | |
CVE-2011-0072 | |
Information Exposure | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2011-0053 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2010-3182 | |
CVE-2010-3174 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
CVE-2010-3169 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Numeric Errors | |
CVE-2010-1211 | |
Information Exposure | |
Buffer Overflow | |
Numeric Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Improper Input Validation | |
CVE-2010-0174 | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2010-0173 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2010-0169 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
CVE-2010-0163 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2010-0159 | |
Information Exposure | |
Information Exposure | |
CVE-2009-3072 | |
CVE-2009-3075 | |
Information Exposure | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Numeric Errors | |
CVE-2009-2210 | |
Cryptographic Issues | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Improper Authentication | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Configuration | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2009-0652 | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Information Exposure | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2008-5510 | |
CVE-2008-5503 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Authentication | |
Resource Management Errors | |
XML Injection | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Directory Traversal | |
Directory Traversal | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Information Exposure | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Numeric Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
CVE-2008-1235 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Information Exposure | |
CVE-2008-0594 | |
CVE-2008-0591 | |
CVE-2008-0592 | |
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Directory Traversal | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Resource Management Errors | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Input Validation | |
Improper Input Validation | |
CVE-2007-3844 | |
CVE-2007-3845 | |
CVE-2007-3734 | |
CVE-2007-3735 | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2007-1558 | |
CVE-2007-1282 | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Numeric Errors | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
Out-of-Bounds | |
CVE-2007-0775 | |
Security Features | |
Arbitrary Code Injection | |
CVE-2006-6505 | |
CVE-2006-6499 | |
CVE-2006-6498 | |
CVE-2006-6497 | |
CVE-2006-6502 | |
Access Restriction Bypass | |
CVE-2006-5463 | |
CVE-2006-5464 | |
CVE-2006-5747 | |
CVE-2006-5462 | |
CVE-2006-5748 | |
CVE-2006-5633 | |